25 March 2011

The Fertility Diet

I'm still waiting on my first post miscarriage cycle, which sucks but what can I do? It seems a shame to accomplish nothing while waiting so I'm working on self improvement. I've gained alot (ahem...ALOT) of weight since we've started trying, and failing, to have a child and it's time to change that. I've always been a bit on the puffy side but it's getting out of control. When I first started looking for help with infertility, after doing all the testing and finding nothing wrong, I was told that I was just fat and it was my fault. Amusingly enough, I fell pregnant naturally (twice, mind you but still no baby) several years after this, and after gaining a metric fuckton of weight. And yes, that is how we measure weight here in the Midwest.

I dutifully ordered a copy of "The Fertility Diet" from Barnes & Noble and am about halfway through it. Most of the advice is to help avoid and combat ovulatory infertility, which I don't have, but it's still useful to me and can help boost ovulation in general. Maybe I'll manage to get knocked up with twins! I need some accountability to keep me honest and on my diet so I'm going to write about my progress and goals here. My first goal is to lose 25 pounds and get back to where I was pre-infertility induced depression.

Goodbye Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper, I'll always love you.

I've sworn off all fast food and trans fats. No more caffeinated or sugar laden drinks. I'm focusing on whole grains and vegetables/fruits. Getting whole grains is a pain in the ass and costs a small fortune. I spent much longer than I expected perusing the grocery store, reading labels and ingredient lists, just to pick up a few small things. It's infuriating. Then again, what doesn’t piss me off?

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